-Have you been to Other Mothers in Nampa?? I recently went to one of their quarter sales and was able to get so many items for a great deal. I was able to get some nice maternity clothes, men's clothing, toddler clothing, and toys for a great price. Best of all you can trade in clothes/toys to receive an in-store credit or donate items to the quarter sale. Great way to give back to others! *Other Mother's Quarter Sale This Weekend... (At 2:00pm they do anything you can fit in a bag (big trash bag) is just $2.00)
-Coastal.Com is offering new customers their first pair of glasses for FREE! You just have to pay shipping. I just ordered a $90 pair of glasses and just had to pay $9.95 shipping (that's 3 day shipping)!
*Kellogg's is offering several new coupons on their website. Click here to print the coupons listed below. Only print coupons YOU will use and save them for a sale or doublers. .50/2 Keebler Ready Crust (will make them under $1.00 at Walmart next time we get doublers)
$1/2 Raisin Bran, Frosted Flakes, Crispix, Frosted Mini Wheats, or Krispies
.70/1 Crunchy Nut or Raisin Bran Cinnamon Almonds Cereal